Don’t let Sea Sickness Ruin Your Trip

Turning a day on the water into a nightmare. Fortunately, there are remedies and precautions you can take to keep seasickness from ruining your day on the water. Prevention, treatment, and minimization of symptoms are the best ways to deal with seasickness. Whether you’ve experienced it in the past or have never had problems with sea sickness, it can strike at any time. It’s wise to carry remedies with you and take certain precautions before heading out on the water.

Sea Sickness

Seasickness is a motion-induced illness. The rolling of the boat upsets the delicate balance Deep Sea Fishing, Deep Sea Fishing Boats, Deep Sea Fishof the inner ear and can cause nausea and vomiting. As anyone who’s ever suffered through it can testify, it can make for a miserable day out if not treated. The best treatment is prevention, so be sure to take steps to prepare your body for your fishing trip. Limit your alcohol intake in the hours preceding your trip, and eat, but not to excess. You don’t want to be stuffed when heading out- the extra load will make it harder for your body to withstand nausea.


Deep Sea Fishing Sickness

Heading out to the deeper waters may produce the beginnings of nausea that mark seasickness. Deep sea fishing sickness can make your day on the water miserable, so be sure to begin combatting the symptoms the moment they appear. If you’ve experienced seasickness in the past, you will want to take over the counter medications like Dramamine, Bonine or Meclizine, or try a Scopolamine patch. Ginger is also effective in battling deep sea fishing sickness. You should not take more than 2 tsp powdered ginger every day. Taking ½ a tsp powdered ginger every 4 hours may settle your stomach. It is available in capsule form as well, or consider chewing on a piece of fresh ginger.

Offshore Sea Sickness

Once the ship is offshore, seasickness is more difficult to deal with because there is no turning around and heading back in. Offshore seasickness is no more difficult to cope with than closer to shore, but it may seem worse because of the lack of land nearby. Staying above deck and staring at the horizon may help reduce the feelings of motion and nausea. Wearing a motion sickness wristband that keeps pressure on your inner arm two inches down from your wrists may also help. Whichever method you choose when sailing offshore, seasickness is not inevitable. You can enjoy your day on the water with prevention and treatment.